Saturday, January 26, 2008


Pastor Michael was our guest speaker today and he shared his exciting testimony about how he had prostate cancer and God blessed him through the whole roller coaster journey. In short, during the whole period of treatment, God provided him with financial help for surgery, radiology, etc, used him to bring a lady to Christ, minister to a doctor and touch an oncologist. It's just so amazing how God worked in his life and i really wish to experience more of God so intimately.

And he also mentioned abt how it is brave to admit that one is struggling. How true indeed, for sometimes we put up brave fronts or simply hide our troubles behind a strong facade.

When i was joggin this morning, the lyrics ' He gives and takes away, and i will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name' came into my mind and i had insight into the lines that i used to sing without deep understanding. God took many things away from Job and similarly in our lives right now, He takes things away, but only for our good and to draw us nearer to Him. I still rmb saying to God some time back 'Ouch, what a painful experience..can i have my teeth back..' lol, jokes. I am no where near a modern day Job, but will learn to be one :)

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