Friday, December 21, 2007


Had combined varsity christmas party today! Really enjoyed buying and preparing the food with eunice amanda huixian and gim, esp the dissecting of the turkeys and slicing of meat. I rmb dreaming of becoming a chef and even hairdresser at various points of my life. But innocence weaned off and reality sank in, i am not cut out to be either so i can only cut my own hair or cook my own food. lol. Was delighted when pple found the food nice even though we didnt season and cook them thou. hehe, at least it meant that the arrangement for the food can be considered a success.

oh, younger sis did something damn cute lah. She stuck her drawing of spongebob and patrick in my wallet and when i opened it today i was pleasantly surprised to see the note that wished me an early merry christmas?! lol, times when sis is adorable.

Marcus came back from egypt yesterday and i think today was the first time i met him ever since the hols started man. Chris came back from sep in US too! Was rather surprised he lost weight instead and according to him the overseas stint was 'life changing' as he was alone most of the time. He went to a church over there too but the culture is way different from the charismatic one in coos. It reminded me of the trips to the church back in germany. Different culture but ultimately, we worship the same heavenly father. Man, i wonder how wld sep be like for me in year3 sem2. But one thing i am sure of, i want to be deeply rooted in God before i leave for it's easier to backslide w/o the fellowship of brothers and sisters overseas.

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