Friday, June 15, 2007

Wochenende Orientation mit Gulustan.

We reached Germany on 12May, a saturday and the weekend was spent with Gulustan and Brenda around Jugenheim(my neighbourhood) and Darmstadt.

I wonder what the colours of the Deutsche flag means, and it reminds me of the chat we had with Gulustan's friend, Boner. It was a mentally exhausting session as we attempted to explain the significance behind the name of Singapore and the Singapore flag with our miserable knowledge of Deutsch and NE. It was funny in retrospect tho, that when Brenda and i heard Boner was joining us for dinner a 2nd time, we stared at each other in fear, anticipating a dinner that would be hard to digest. lol.

The house where we stayed for the month in Germany.

Jugendheim, Bickenbacher Strasse. :)
We occupied the second storey, Gulustan's bro's family the first and another family the 3rd. The blue, green and red containers are used to sort their refuse before disposal.An environmental friendly habit of all households in Germany, which i wonder if it will ever be realised in Singapore, considering a typical Singapore is too used to the convenience of dumping everything together.

Gulustan in her funky old convertible.

Me at the bus stop, where only a miserable S-Bahn 8 goes to.

My bedroom! damn neat right!! :)cuz that was taken on the first day. lol. its usually messy on other days and once in a while when my conscience pricks me for being so untidy, i will pack a little. hehs.

The church in jugenheim.

Gulustan brought us to the protestant church there cuz i expressed interest in attend a church in Germany in my email to her, she's damn nice lah :) The deco of the church provides a nice cosy feeling but the service is cold&traditional. there's no sermon too. NUR DEUTCHE HYMMS. i seriously wonder how pple dev their relationship with God without hearing abt his word. okay, except if they read devotionals..but sermons are really an integral part of a service!... :/ It struck my mind to invite gulustan along with me to that church, but then again, if the church is so cold, how is she going to feel God's love in the church..? or maybe it's just me, looking at things from a city dweller's point of view.

We witnessed a wedding ceremony on the first day we visited the church. COOL! the couple had to cute an wooden plank together,signifying them working hard together for their marriage.

We visited an arts festival over the weekend too!

food fest.

Art exhibition.

Gulustan, brenda and me at Gulustan's school.a pretty cool vocation school with small classes and the children get to learn various technical skills, cooking, academic studies and sports.

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