Caught the golden compass with jas leo shawn and wayne. lol i think that was the first time we had a complete jie mei outing. The Golden Compass is worth catching thou i didnt like the ending hanging like that.. :( Was pretty amused by leo who gets scared so easily that she was jolted by the movie sound effects and suspense twice. And Loo was peeping at some scenes thru the 'hole-ly' part of her jacket because it was supposedly less scary like that. lol! Had a good time laughing at da jie too cuz of his strategic seating position in the theatre.hahs. Left for cell in the evening and it felt so nice to have cell once again after having a series of workshops this sem! Got to talk to Belinda more when we split up into small grps :)
Attended mich and vic's wedding at St Andrew's Cathedral! Pastor Derek preached for their wedding service and his sermon was about wine in a marriage again.hehs. First heard abt it duirng Pauline and kahwoon's wedding and it touched me alot back then. To sum it up, he was trying to say that in a marriage, it is very important to have Christ as the pillar, the foundation of the relationship. It is only when the couple has a Christ centred relationship will they be able to overcome the downs in the long road ahead. Hahs, this is esp true when the inital sweetness of marriage/ dating diminishes because only God can renew and rejuvenate a relationship.
Walked arnd at Raffles City and eventually settled down at Starbucks to chat, then chill and eventually stoned when the fatigue set in. Left for church later and service was great! We had a guest speaker who is a 12 year old blind girl, Ritchell. A talented singer and pianist, she touched me not only with her wonderful vocal chords, but more importantly, her strong faith and trust in God, which exudes from the songs she sings. I still rmb vividly a particuarly lyric of her song that goes ' Though i walk in darkness, i am not afraid, because i have a Lord who guides..' Simple lyrics, simple voice, but speaks volumes of how she places her trust in God who guides and makes her feel secure. Was very, very encouraged by her and am amazed how God uses her to bless many around her!
Dinner was special cuz it was an almost all girls outing! And the few of us went to anchorpoint instead of holland drive/ church hawkwer.

with von and eeli outside the cathedral

amanda me dom & rach @ starbucks

ruyi amanda me rach dennise :)
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