View from Philosophieweg. Can see Heidelberg castle, Church of the Holy Spirit, Old Gate Bridge and river Neckar. Niceeeee.
While walking Gulustan was teling us that being a free thinker, she believes that Nature reigns, and that we human beings are always provoking animals(sth along that line..) I do think Nature is beautiful, but it totally coexists with the truth of God, it's not exclusive and in fact, reflects the glory of God. I was trying to tell her that some animals like lions are ferocious inherently and they are not exactly peace loving creatures eh, but she maintained that it was humans who first provoked them by hunting them down. I found that pretty true after some time cuz if we trace back to the days of Noah, lions did follow him obediently to the ark? Perhaps later when humans multiplied and started hunting lions did they evolve to be defensive and hence fierce. perhaps, perhaps.
Us on Old Bridge:)
At Old Bridge Gate.
Closer view of Heidelberg castle when we were nearer.
The cogwheel looking transport that brought us up to Heidelberg castle... nono, brought us up to some wulu place where we had a horrendous time climbing down slipperly narrow steps to Heidelberg Castle. It was a nightmare trying not to slip and roll down the flight of rocks and when we finally reached Heidelberg Castle, my legs were jelly and i couldn walked properly. :x I must profess to be a spoilt city dweller mans. At the end of the mth in Europe the front part of the soles of my Asics were worn out due to such situations. hahas, good reason to get myself a pair of new Asics sometime soon :)
Super close up by Bren. -_-
More ruins of the castle. This somehow reminds me of my childhood stories like Runpezel, this princess with super long hair... and some piggy and kermit frog cartoon. haaa.
Facade of a unique mini hotel in Heidelberg.
Saw this old Harley Davidson on the way home at Darmstadt and biker gamely posed for us!! But his bike is so antique that he required some time to get the engine going and it produced deafening noises when he rode off. lol.
Fields in the neighbourhood.
We had Spargel for dinner that day too! yay, i love spargel! But Gulustan's version was special, it was wrapped with ham and cheesseeee.. yum. As usual, we had it with potatoes too.