Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Psalm 139 auf Deutsch! :)
Psalm 139. verse 1-12
Cool video i found auf Deutsch! A pity it doesn include the beautiful verses of 13 to 18 too.
O Lord, you have searched me, and you know me.
You know when i sit and when i rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out
and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Bfore a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O Lord.
You hem me in - behind and before;
You have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Where can i go from you Spirit?
Where can i flee from your presence?
If i go up to the heavens, you are there;
If i make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If i rise on the wings of the dawn,
if i settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If i say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me"
even the darkness will not be dark to youl
and the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Mosaic Art piece 1 at the entrance of HochzeitTurm.
Mosaic art piece 2
Close up of the clock on HochzeitTurm. Got the various horoscope pix as a border..tried interpreting the german stuff written..but i gave up :P
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bird's eye view from a bank in Frankfurt. The bank is ordinary in architecture but is used by many tourists to view Frankfurt. It's like Effeil Tower in I like such panoramic view of places where u can see the curvature of the earth! The view from Minibuckers, this mountain in my neighbourhood is equally spectacular but it's more of greenery spotted with houses. Frankfurt consists of buildings spotted with greenery instead.
zl me bren
winnie and me.

Jump for joy! lol. Taken by Onekl Bumin with his pro camera.
Jasmin is in fact the common spelling in Germany as JasminE is used more commonly in US and UK. hehs. So i could actually find name keychains with my name in Germany :P
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Anders Ereignis von die ersten Woche :)
We decided to take pictures around TUD one fine day too..haha
Posing in front of the schloss-museum
The open air market place where fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers are sold. Summer is also the season of strawberries and White Asparagus, and we got to see many stalls selling those 2 products only. Strawberries are pretty cheap but white asparagus arent :(
Brenda and me near Luisen Platz.
A Brewery in Darmstadt, where i first tried german beer!
Cheers! :)
And no.. i am not capable of finishing a whole mug by myself. Bren wn wj zl and i shared a few cups and when the girls turned red, we pushed all the cups to onkel zolin. muahaha.
On Saturday, Gulustan brought wn zl bren and me ard Darmstadt. She's always like a walking history textbook, explaining the significance of buildings and streets to us along the way. :)A bakery in a building with nice architecture.
Hundred Water House--Waldspirale. The very first hwh is in Vienna though, and its distinctive features are the multitude of colours, non linearity and different designs of windows. Coincidentally wj and i had to do a project on architecture in Germany and we presented on the Waldspirale too :)
Note the curvy lines on the building..
And windows of different designs
We visited the Woog in Darmstadt too. A Macritchie-looking lake where people can swim in, if they do not mind the cold water and company of fishes, algae, tortoise waste, etc. Didnt take any pictures cuz it simply looks like Macritchie..
Gulustan is an antique lover and was exhilarated to stumble upon an abandoned old radio. Unfortunately she didnt drive that day and was unable to bring that radio home...hahas.
Sunday was rather boring:( The rest of the grp went to Heidelberg together, but Bren and i didnt join them as gulustan had planned to bring us there on another weekend. It didnt help that shopping centres are closed on sundays, so we were almost bored to tears. :(
Started the day by heading down to TUD, with the intention of using the computers in the computer centre. Unfortunately it was closed too! I made a wrong prediction of the weather and wore jeans, which worsened my rashes in the warm weather. That totally dampened my mood and i didnt feel like going anywhere, so bren and i walked arnd Darmstadt aimlessly...and to our delight, we found an internet cafe at some corner of the luisen central! hahaha. We used the internet for 1hr and left the cafe feeling damn happy! hahas we are hopeless slaves to technology, arent we?
It was still early when we were done with using the computers and we decided to check out some Oberwald Park in the vicinity after some deliberation ..or rather, much deliberation. Which i am very glad we decided to eventually, cuz the cooling air and greenery were therapeutic(maybe cuz it was late afternoon by then) and i got to see many, many CUTE KIDS!! :)
Damn cuteee!
Families relaxing on the grass.
Boating. There were other activities going on, eg mini golf, tennis, and even barbecue on Sats, acc to gulustan. Seems like many Germans spend their weekends rather healthily since they exercise and spend family time close to Nature? It's a plus pt considering all the common vices of smoking, excess drinking of beer ( i use excess to defend the small amt of beer that i consume :D) and frequent huge portions of fatty meat in their diet.
Sankt Goar.
Messing around. It was rather high up there, which explains our half crazy half afraid expressions.
Dont execute us!!
This is frickin, frickin' high!!! Didnt dare to extend my legs out fully like onkel and wenjun.
We had some knights dressing up competition at some corner of the castle! damn cool too dress winnie up lah! and to hear her squealing and We took a photo with the ntu grp who went for the excursion with us too :)
Exkursion zur Rhein Fluss.
The station where we boarded the cruise to tour River Rhine.
The Ship that we took. It was sooo crowded with tourists, esp people from USA and Japan.
Grp pic :guangyi,onkel bumin, me, winnie, wenjun, arnod didi.
5of us with yufan. I was freezing despite wearing 2 jackets!
we saw many, many castles. viele schlosses! I dont want to see the ruins, i want to go back to the past to witness what happened in the castle..!
There's an accompanying tale of the beautiful Loreley who is said to sit on top of the cliff enticing passing sailors to their ruin. lol. i say, it's merely a story cooked up to add a touch of romance to Rhein Fluss.
Erms, i wonder if this is a schloss. Winnie and me. A very nice picture taken by onkel zolin! hahas